Broken Promises

I have always been under the impression that God has never and will never break a promise. I think there are over 4,000 promises from God in the Bible and his promises never fail. He is the great promise-keeper, the stone-cold-lead-pipe-lock covenant-maker. However that all changed when I read this verse in perhaps the least likely place in the Bible.

“These people were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised” — Hebrews 11:39

Hebrews 11 is considered to be a list of Biblical Hall of Famers. Faith giants such as Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, Moses, David, Samuel, and 10 others are included in this chapter each listed by name. Yet twice in this chapter– verses 13 & 39– it’s written “none of them received what had been promised.” Huh? So what was promised?

As I dig deeper, each was given a challenging task that required faith, obedience, and perseverance. Ya a few like Moses didn’t reach the Promiseland of Canaan and Abram didn’t have offspring as numerous as stars in his lifetime but many others did seem to complete their journeys well. Then it hit me and perhaps you as well.

I think the “promise” that they did not receive was Jesus Christ. The old covenant with its sacrifices could not make the worshipers perfect ( Heb 10:1).The Old Testament saints were saved, but their salvation was not complete until the cross. They saw Him from afar in types and shadows, but we see Him clearly revealed in the New Testament. God “provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.” That something better is the new covenant in Christ’s blood. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. And what encourages me is if the Old Testament saints were faithful through all sorts of trials & tribulations, even though they didn’t receive the promise of Christ in the flesh, how much more should we be faithful, since we have Christ!

So what does this mean for you & I?

  • So often I think I have to take on something He asks me to do from A-Z; when God is simply looking for my obedience to take the next step to B.
  • Expect hardships doing His will for my life. Following Jesus Christ is more likely the path to hardship and persecution than to health and wealth.
  • It’s easy to praise Him when I receive a yes or answered prayer; but maybe more importantly, can I trust him with His no’s?

Where are you today? Which of these can you relate to?

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How has this encouraged you in your current set of circumstances?

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