The Pain of a Broken Body

Our brains have two kinds of attention and magicians often prey on it. The first, called “top-down” or decision-making attention, is what you use when you decide to focus on a stimulus or task (such as this article). Top-down attention is controlled by the part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. Second, we employ “bottom-up” or surprise attention when we quickly shift our focus onto an unexpected stimulus, such as a ringing phone. This is a more primitive response system controlled in areas of the brain called the sensory cortices.

Magicians trick you by occupying both forms of your attention, and because of it, we are hopelessly distracted from their sleights-of-hand.  At times, I think Jesus does the same thing.

“Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” — Luke 5:18-20

He was certain. His buddies were determined. Nothing was going to stop them from pursuing Jesus and walking on this day. So when one of them came up with a crazy idea– let’s cut a hole in the roof of the place and lower him down in front of Jesus– they were desperate enough to do it. The paralyzed man was there for physical healing but in reality he was in need of much much more.

I feel like sometimes Jesus messes with our brain. He sees past our pain and uses it as a means to give us what we really need—a heart change. It’s as if He uses the pain and discomfort as a sleight of hand to soften ourselves so we will be more receptive to receive His grace.

  • Blind eye
  • Withered hand
  • Deaf ear
  • Chronic disease

All examples of people who were in search of physical healing and all received eternal life. Often pain and grief are set ups for a transformed life. When your circumstances seem lost, that’s where God is found.

Are you willing to break through roofs to get near to Him? Are your circumstances so dire that you are willing to surrender everything for healing? Are you willing to see your pain as an entry point into something bigger happening in your life?

We see the body; thankfully Jesus sees the heart.

Reflection |

What pain is he using to get your spiritual attention today?

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